What is rising damp?

Commonly visible to the naked eye or sensed when touch, rising damp is usually detected via high-water marks and blemishes on walls. What this is composed of is the water itself as well as the deposited salt minerals it contains.

You’ll notice a discolouration of a darker hue when this process is in play, and when felt the wetness will still be present. Don’t be fooled if it’s dry, as that could just as well inform you of previous works not carried out to a good standard.

If your wall plaster is crumbling or feeling like paste, your wallpaper is independently stripping back or your skirting boards are rotting away with their attached nails and screws rusting, you could be suffering from rising damp.

One other thing you should do is use your mouse to see if their are unpleasant smells present at your property.